Building is booming: Construction careers take off
Whether you are a recent high school graduate trying to select a career path or an experienced candidate interested in changing directions, it may make sense to explore your options in the thriving construction industry.
The Construction Industry is Hiring
If you haven’t been following the news, the U.S. job market is booming. Within the positive employment numbers, it is worth noting that the construction industry is adding an average of 20,000 new jobs each month. On top of that, on a per-state level, Michigan has added the fifth most construction jobs of all states. Demand for construction services is strong overall, which is fueling rapid growth. But that’s only part of the story.
Severe Talent Shortages
In actuality, the number of construction hires in 2017 could be even larger, but employers are seeing severe shortages of people that possess the right skills to fill positions. As a result, the hiring process is taking longer and talented people in the industry are in high demand. In the current marketplace, these shortages are widespread among both salaried positions and craft positions.
The Sales Pitch
The bottom line: This is an industry with lots of jobs and a lack of people to fill them – definitely a good sign for potential employees. On top of that, I can tell you firsthand this is simply a rewarding place in which to build a career. Consider:
• In no other industry does one get to build the infrastructure and facilities – such as hospitals, roads, schools, bridges, churches, libraries and workplaces – that support our communities.
• The level of collaboration, teamwork, and interaction with others is very high.
• You see immediate results from your work – every day. Each day is unique and brings new and exciting challenges to tackle.
• Finally, the current pace of technological implementation is having a monumental effect on the industry. Exciting developments are happening every day thanks to things like 3-D printing, virtual and augmented reality and advances in solar technology.
As a starting point, view Granger Construction’s job openings or reach out to us via email for more information. And if you are just starting your career and seeking educational opportunities, you may want to visit sites like Michigan Construction and Michigan Construction Careers to learn more.